Cervical spondylosis

It is a condition in which vertebra discs and ligaments of neck wear and tear it is because the disc in the neck dehydrates and shrinks at older age showing signs of osteoarthritis

 This condition worsens with time.

Other terms used for this disease are osteoarthritis of the neck or degenerative osteoarthritis.


It has several causes among that some are

  • Dehydration of disc: most of the time when we age our disc becomes dry and shrinks as well. This lead to more contact between bones leading to cervical spondylolysis
  • Herniated disk: It is one common cause of cervical spondylosis. The aging process can weaken our vertebrates which can lead to wear and tear of vertebrates and herniated disc which may press sensory nerves leading to numbness
  • Osteoarthritis:it is a progressive disease in which cartilage is dissolved progressively and your bones come in contact with each other.
  • Stiff ligaments: ligaments show stiffening with age and this stiffening can lead to cervical spondylolysis
  • Bone spurs: disc degeneration of the spine leads to excessive bone formation in random directions which is the effort of the body to make the spinal cord strong but this causes more harm than benefit. These bone outgrowths are termed bone Spurs.
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Most of the time the patient doesn’t feel any symptoms related to the neck at first and often misunderstand it like other diseases because of other symptoms such as bowel and bladder control loss. But as these symptoms worsen they can be identified easily as cervical spondylitis. The symptoms are 

  • Pain and stiffness in the neck
  • Soreness in neck
  • Muscle spasms
  • A Clicking or popping sound when you try to move your neck
  • Tingling, numbness, and weakness in your arms and feet
  • Lack of coordination and difficulty in walking
  • Loss of bowel control and loss of bladder control as well
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 How can physical therapy help?

Cervical spondylosis is a condition in which the neural system, as well as musculoskeletal system, is affected. With other medications and treatments, an effective physical therapy treatment is a must for the treatment of cervical spondylosis. An expert physical therapist programs a set of treatments that include exercises such as neck stretches, neck tilt, neck movements, and neck muscle strengthening. It also includes the use of a soft brace for the neck and hot and cold therapy to relax muscles of the neck. Massage techniques and manipulation techniques are also used for achieving the maximum degree of mobilization of the neck and treating the cervical spine as well.

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