Dynamic isometric shoulder exercises

If someone asks you what is the most functional part of your body or by which part you perform most of the functions your answer will be your lower limb or your upper limb because you perform most of the activities by your lower and upper limb. If there is any unfavorable change in your upper limbs such as shoulder pain or tennis elbow your life will become compromised. One of the worst pains of upper limb pain is shoulder pain if you are suffering from shoulder pain you may benefit from the services of a skilled physical therapist who can help you to determine the cause of your pain, remove the cause and achieve functional mobility back

 There are many causes in which your shoulder can hurt you. It can be due to weakness of muscles, tendons, and ligaments or weakness of rotator cuff muscles, or tendonitis in the shoulder joint. exercises can help you to improve the strength and function of these structures such exercises are called dynamic isometric rotator cuff strengthening exercises. It is one of the great exercises to help the improvement of the rotator cuff muscles. These exercises are really simple to do and once after taking ideas from your physical therapist you can do it at home with the help of a friend or a family member.

How to Perform the Exercise

Tool required

There is only one tool required for performing the exercises which is an elastic resistance band and you can get this band from your physical therapist.
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Steps for performing the exercise 

  • First of all, lie down on your back on the floor or a very straight and frim surface
  • Hold the one end of the band in your hand and the opposite end will be held by your friend or a physical therapist
  • Keep your arm straight in the air and the album must be completely straight as well
  • Your physical therapist or friend will pull the band while you keep your hand straight
  • By maintaining constant tension in the band your physical therapist or friend will move in different directions
  • Make sure to let your arm remain straight in the air during the whole process
  • Your physical therapist or friend will walk around you in different directions and keep applying the resistance until you feel fatigued
  • Repeat the procedure on both sides( if both sides are affected) so that both sides will equally heal


The dynamic isometric shoulder exercises can be performed even more than 4 times a day but make sure you’re doing it correctly so it doesn’t cause you any harm and also confirm the frequency of these exercises by your physical therapist make sure to stop the process if you feel pain in your arm or your shoulder this is a signal that the exercise is causing you harm
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