Herniated Disc and physical therapy

It is a condition in which the nucleus which is placed between the spinal cord vertebrates slipped out of the annulus. Other terms used for herniated discs are bulge ruptured or slipped.
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It can occur in any three of the spinal sections (thoracic, cervical, and lumbar).

Lumbar herniated disc

A herniated disc is identified by a Mirror resonance imaging test a herniated disc not only causes back pain but other symptoms such as pain in the buttocks legs and lower spine are common in a lumbar herniated disc. If herniated disc cause Punching of any spinal nerve it can also lead to weakness numbness and tingling in the legs

Cervical spine herniation

 A herniated disc in the cervical spine can lead to severe pain and muscle spasm of the neck, shoulder, and upper limbs. If the condition remains untreated it progresses to the point where the herniation of the disc leads to pinching of spinal nerves which can also cause dysfunction of arms and several pain in the arms and head as well.

Thoracic spine herniation

It is the rarest type of herniation. This pain occurs in the abdominal area and may cause weaknesses of legs and pain in the legs as well

Physical therapy treatment for herniated disc

As herniation of the disc can occur in multiple regions, a physical therapist starts the treatment by identifying the area affected. They usually check the strength of your arms and legs and also identify the regions with pain. They also evaluate several sensations and reflexes because of a herniated disc a nerve can be pinched which can affect the reflections and sensation as well. First, two days are very crucial and you feel a lot of pain in your back. A physical therapist will guide you thoroughly. your physical therapist will  suggest bed rest and aerobic exercises such as walking and swimming and according to your condition they can also suggest us a specific set of exercises such as dying bug, prone extension, and standing row


A physical therapist can help you to deal with the herniated disc and to reverse the symptoms completely if the disc herniation is not severe and only one disk is slip slightly but if there is a major herniation of the disc or multiple discs are herniated then you may have to undergo surgical treatment and after that, you can refer to a physical therapist. Once your spinal surgery is done it is almost nearly impossible to return to your normal range of motion but a physical therapist will help you to achieve the maximum range of motion possible at that moment.
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