Stretching exercises for sacroiliac joint part 1

Sacroiliac joints just act like a shock absorber of your body when you walk, run or jump . The joints distribute stress across the pelvis and lower body. In doing so they take excess pressure of your spine to protect it and keep it stable without a sacroiliac joint you will fall forward when you walk or run

When sacroiliac joints are injured or inflamed they will become enable two equally distributed across your pelvis instead of that this class will fall onto your pelvic joints and surrounding tissue causing pain and other symptoms

People suffering from sacroiliac joint injuries may feel that their legs are not stable the legs mein buckle or give away for example when a person with sacroiliac joint disability band forward tourist or walk up stairs they will feel that instability

For treating this instability stretching and strengthening are the best option so here we will talk about some of the stretching exercises which are essential for treating sacroiliac joint disability
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Stretch: One Knee to Chest

One of the best option to start for sacroiliac joint exercise is to start with the easier movements your body needs to be warm up before they can be stressed warming up is the key to prevent any sudden injury because of exercise warming up also let you check your pain levels and notice how much pain you feel when you move and it also set limits for what you can let yourself to do here is how to do it

How to Do It

  • Lie down on the supine position and bend your knees
  • Now gently grab one  knee and bring it towards your chest don’t worry you don’t have to to stretch your knee all the way to your chest only go as far as you can without the pain
  • Now hold this position for a second or two and then set your foot back down on the floor

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Stretch: Both Knees to Chest

How to Do It

  • Start this exercise in the supine position with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor
  • Now bring your one knee towards your chest just as you did in the exercise above
  • Keep the knee there and do the same movement with the other leg
  • Hold this position for a second or two and then lower the the one leg at one time because if you suddenly bring your both legs down it will put too much stretch on the joint at once and make your sacroiliac problem worse
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