If you are suffering from difficulty in walking safely due to your balance problems you may benefit from the skill services of a physical therapist. A physical therapist will work with you closely to increase your mobility and maintain your balance. For maintaining balance in your body a set of exercises called the Otago exercise is performed. some of the exercises which are included in exercises are
Cervical Rotation
Performing this exercise
- Stand up by maintaining a proper upper posture be sure to have a stable object nearby
- Now slowly turn your head to one side and hold this position for 3 seconds
- After that, slowly turn to the other side and hold it for another three seconds
- Repeat the sequence five times
- If you find standing difficult or unsafe sit in a comfortable chair with an upright posture for performing this exercise
Cervical Retraction
This exercise can be performed as follow
- Stand up by maintaining an upright posture and be sure to keep something stable near you so you can grab it in case of falling
- Place one hand on your chin
- Then pull your head and neck straight back
- Make sure that you do not nod your chin up or down
- Now keep this position for 3 seconds and then release the stretch
- Repeat it 4 to 5 times
- If standing is not possible then perform this exercise by sitting on a chair and maintaining the upright posture
Lumbar extension
For performing this exercise follow the steps
- Stand with your feet at the shoulders with apart
- Place both hands on your lower back just above your buttock
- Slightly bend forward
- Hold this position for 3 seconds
- Come back to normal upright posture and repeat it five times
- Perform this exercise while standing in front of a bed so if you lose your balance you have a quick place to sit on
Standing Lumbar Rotation
For performing this standing lumbar rotation follow the steps
- Stand in front of a stable kitchen counter by keeping your feet shoulder-width alder width apart and your hand on your hips
- Turn your body, torso, and shoulders in one direction and hold it for 3 seconds
- Repeat it on the other side and hold for another 3 seconds
- Repeat this 5 times on both sides
Seated Leg Extension
This exercise will help you to keep your quadriceps muscle on the front of your upper thighs for performing the seated leg extension follow these steps
- Sit on a chair by maintaining the upright posture
- Now tighten your quadriceps muscles by keeping your knee full straight
- Hold this stretch for 3 seconds
- Slowly lower your leg back to the starting position repeat this 10 times
These are just a few exercises that a physical therapist suggests to maintain balance. There are many other Otago exercises that we will discuss in other articles.
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