What to Expect From Physical Therapy

Most often you visit a physical therapist when you suffer from any injury of musculoskeletal system and you want to cure the injury without any surgical treatment when you visit a physical therapist you can expect to start your care or treatment with an initial complete evaluation you therapist will ask questions about your injury and how it is affecting the way you are moving and what is the severity of the injury

If you have had an injury in the past they will ask about the procedure performed and your post and pre operative care your therapist will also evaluate about your past medical history and your prior level of functioning before any surgery

Once after taking a detailed history of your injury, your physical therapist will perform a clinical examination in which they look for issues that may be causing pain or limiting your function your physical therapist will test may test your

  • Strength of affected part 
  • your range of motion,
  •  your functional ability and your flexibility 
  •  your balance and gait
  •  skin and scar tissue integrity and your postural condition

Once your physical therapist has gathered all the information about your functional mobility and your impairments, they will prepare a rehabilitation plan for you which will consist of the goals of therapy which will be discussed with you

During your physical therapy treatment you can expect to visit the clinic 1 to 3 times a week and most of the appointments used in last for about 30 to 60 minutes a day

 Your therapist will perform many active and passive exercises and manual techniques such as joint mobilization scar tissue massage or passive stretches these modalities will help to decrease pain and inflammation and help to increase your functional mobility you may also work on your functional mobility and balance of get training 

if you are suffering from difficulty while walking  functional mobility exercise can be performed in the clinic and your physical therapist may also prescribe you home based exercise program which will be updated regularly as you show improvement in the therapy

 If you are hospitalised or suffering from any injury which require you to be at hospital 24/7 a physical therapist may come to your room and help you to improve your functional mobility

Physical therapist will help you to go through any type of musculoskeletal system injury without surgery or they also help you in dealing with post surgical effects so it is a very essential step to visit your physical therapist after any surgery or due to any musculoskeletal problem
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